Saturday, 12th October 2024

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Sport as War – The Racial Politics of Football

Association Football is typically the most popular sport in the world. It is played in most country in the world and nearly every country on earth includes a national team. Given this case; football generates a large amount of domestic and international media coverage and success becomes the origin of a lot of national pride. It was even reported a ceasefire was called to the civil war in the Ivory Coast for the duration of the country’s participation in the 2006 World Cup. Team sports are seen to represent a nation’s culture and character far more than individual sport and therefore as the most popular sport on the planet the way in which a national team plays football is presented as telling the viewer a lot about who and what that nation is much like, their strengths and virtues, weaknesses and vices.

The media discussion around Tiger Woods epitomises this profound negative racial stereotyping of Afrikans. Tiger Woods’ ability to operate a vehicle a basketball long distances has consistently been ascribed to his explosive attributes stemming from his Afrikan genetic ancestry inherited from his father. On another hand his mental strength, ability to concentrate and perform under some pressure is equally as invariably caused by his Oriental genetic ancestry inherited from his Thai mother. This is despite the fact that his father has played the major role in developing his golfing talent and is on record as stating that he used the psychological techniques he learned as a soldier in the US army to simply help develop his son’s mental strength.

When Portugal played Angola in the 2006 World Cup, great play was created of the truth that Portugal ruled Angola until 1975, however this is not presented in an adverse light from either perspective and the commentators were quick to note how they had found sets of supporters from each country who mingled together and said that their nations were ‘brothers’ ;.Of course you are able to always find slave minded Afrikans if you try and it just shows you how your head can come to rationalise an abusive relationship. This inferiority complex, which is one of many real factors retarding the development of Afrikan football is manifested in how many high profile continental Afrikan footballers – particularly star players – sporting ghastly chemically straightened and/or dyed hair.

The Ivory Coast team at the 2006 World Cup was an example making use of their star striker Didier Drogba parading his greasy, chemically straightened hairdo along side another teammate, apparently employing a different formulation, whose hair was simply stiff and dry and a next teammate whose hair, worn in china bumps, was dyed a bizarre shade of grey and purple. The sad desire to attain European hair texture and the desire for and attainment of European women as success symbols by Afrikan footballers are just manifestations of the deep-seated self-loathing that prevents Afrikan teams from looking the most effective Caucasian nations squarely in the attention and truly believing they can win consistently. How will you overcome those whom you believe to be your superiors and whose approval you desperately crave? Indeed despite his Europeanised hairdo and mind; Drogba has been the target of fierce criticism in England for his extreme – although not unique – diving and feigning of injury.

The Russian Kettlebell isn’t a title created for marketing. They truly did originate about 350 years ago in “Mother” Russia. Usually the tools of an average farmer, kettlebells were used for measuring dry goods and as counterweights for several farm equipment. Maybe it was boredom, a simple fascination or a true desire to construct fitness, either way farmers and others began 1xbet them about for entertainment and eventually weight lifting. After the second World War, lifting with kettlebells had become Russia’s national sport. By being declared a national sport, kettlebell lifting spread into working out routines of Olympic teams and the Russian military.

Kettlebell history isn’t just from Russia though. With time kettlebell lifting became highly popular among strongmen. They began to make use of these versatile weights inside their daily training. From this aspect, the kettlebell began to spread across Western Europe and eventually ended up in the hands of American strongmen. If you’ve ever glanced at some old time pictures (early 1900’s) of the early strongmen, it’s very possible you would catch them holding a kettlebell. As time progressed, the use of kettlebells slowly waned from the west as newer alternative approaches to bodybuilding were introduced.